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Livener XS • LIMITED EDITION Non-Alcoholic Botanical Elixir


5,4,3,2,1... happy new you! Say goodbye to 2022 in style and enjoy every moment of the first day of a brand new year.

Lively, energised and party-popping, this Bellini is the perfect serve to ring in the new year and kick off 2023 as you mean to go on.
livener recipe spark


Serves 1
oz  ml
Livener .35 10
White peach puree (or any sweet puree of your choice) .35 10


Add Three Spirit Livener and your fruit puree to a champagne flute.

Pour over Three Spirit Spark to top. Stir slowly with a barspoon to mix if needed.

To finish, garnish with fresh fruit; pomegranate seeds, melon or a strawberry all add an extra element of glitz.

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