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Clary sage

Clary sage

Clary sage

Latin Name: Salvia sclarea

Why we love it: Studies have shown that clary sage contains compounds with anti-depressant and anti-stress effects, likely connected to the hormone dopamine. These effects could make clary sage an effective natural remedy for low moods. It is worth noting that many studies do not involve large groups of humans, however. Clary sage oil has also been shown to lower blood pressure, relieve anxiety, and be a great all-around stress buster. There’s some suggestion that, as a member of the sage family, it may even have a positive impact on memory and mental function.

Function: Stress balancing, combats PMS, antibacterial.

Flavour: Sweet, herbal, soft and green, with elements of lavender and resinous woods.

Extraction method: Ethanolic extraction

Actives: Sclareol

The information we provide is for educational purposes and shouldn't be taken as medical advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the EFSA, MHRA or Food and Drug Administration however every care has been taken to use robust, peer reviewed academic papers as reference material. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.