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Why different generations are drinking less: Interview with daughter and father, Eleanor and Mark Hoath

Why different generations are drinking less: Interview with daughter and father, Eleanor and Mark Hoath

More and more people are choosing to be more conscious about their drinking, but why? With Father's Day around the corner, we decided to ask nutritional therapist Eleanor Hoath and her father Mark on their experience with turning sober curious - and how different generations can learn from one another.
people wellbeing

So tell us, who was introduced to Three Spirit first? 

E: It was myself that found Three Spirit. I’ve never been a ‘big drinker’ so I remember seeing Social Elixir as an option once on a mocktail menu and gave it ago! After experimenting with the different bottles I discovered Nightcap & loved it, so knew Dad would like the ritual too!

Tell us what made you sober curious? And are you still drinking some alcohol?

E: I’ve never particularly been a ‘big drinker’. I think back to house parties and your first exposure to alcohol and even then I enjoyed a few but was never crazy! As time’s gone on I can see from experience how alcohol not only affects your physical body but also your mental clarity too. Whether that is ‘hangxiety’ that lasts one day or even up to a week or turning to it as a distraction instead of dealing with things that you might need to deal with on a deeper level. I’m biased as I am a Nutritional Therapist so I can explore and explain the chemical reactions of why it does what it does for different people but even without that knowledge, I know it just suits me to explore alternatives sometimes too! But, yes – I still do enjoy a Margarita or glass of wine with my girlfriends from time to time.

M: I was drinking too many spirits at home which I realised after some time was having a large impact on my mental AND physical health. I gave myself the challenge to do a ‘dry jan’ and realised how much better I felt and wanted to continue feeling that way. Now I don’t drink alcohol at home unless there’s an occasion. I do still drink alcohol socially when out with friends and family.

What’s your favourite Three Spirit drink and why?

M: Nightcap is my favourite as it’s a great relaxing drink that I see as almost like a replacement for whisky I previously enjoyed at the end of a night. It tastes great over ice and I put it in a crystal tumbler like I would have before!

E: I love Nightcap because I feel like it is a nice ritual to end the day but I also really love Livener because I feel it gives me that ‘pre party feeling’! But Sharp is ALWAYS on my dinner party table too!

Eleanor, there seems to be a change in how Gen Z drink less than previous generations. As a nutritional therapist documenting wellness tips online, what other advice would you give to young people about looking after their health?

E: I agree. More and more of my friends are choosing to explore different options for drinks, have a ‘dry’ weekend. Thinking about how much you’re putting in and how much you need to get out is the best way to consider your relationship with things such as alcohol and caffeine. I think of this like a bank account - For example, if you’re running on little then you can’t expect to get much out. The same goes for our body, without nourishing it and investing in it, you can’t expect it to perform to it’s best. Keeping it basic with good nutrition, adequate sleep and reducing or manageing stress is a start. When those pillars are inline, things like alcohol, caffeine and sugar feel a lot better tolerated.

Mark, do you find a lot of your friends still drink? How do they react if you opt for non-alcoholic options?

M: All of my friends still drink. They’ve been surprised at my new approach. Usually when I’m out with them I still have a beer but mix them with non alcohol options if it’s a long day our or evening. I’ve had friends round where I’ve drunk alcohol free options and they have been fine as they’re aware of the change I want to make in my lifestyle now.

What advice would you give each other’s generation on cutting back that they think they could learn from your own?

M: I’d recommend to them to set a rule like I have, challenge yourself and stick to it because you’ll probably realise more than you think. I’d also recommend and having alcohol free options to hand obviously including Three Spirit.

E: Try the waters, you never know how you’ll feel. I think one of the biggest ‘stressors’ amongst young people is fear of what others will think and honestly, no one will know or care. You can have a great time sober or sober curious. At occasions I am not drinking I’ll just not say anything until someone asks and if they do a quick ‘oh I’m not drinking tonight’ should suffice! Having options available to you is always a plus. Many bars are now including more alcohol free options on their menus which makes things so much more accessible and they can be equally as beautiful as one of your classic cocktails so you don’t get FOMO!

And finally, Eleanor you’ve got some delicious and nutritious recipes, what’s your favourite recipe to pair with your favourite Three Spirit drink?

E: It really depends on the occasion but I love pairing Livener with some sparkling water or water kefir like DASH or Aqua De Midre. Spark is always on my table at a dinner party and goes beautifully with some fresh fish and Nightcap is the bottle to get out at the end of the night with the nibbles!

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